On the 24th of December, 2018, The Armenian Association of Professional Tourist Guides within the framework of the Community Development Project implemented a charity event called ''Give A New Year's Miracle'' for 10-to-13-year-old children of Meghradzor community who are actively engaged in the eco-programs of their community.
The 30 participating children were from different social groups. It's the important component of our philosophy not to differentiate the children according to their social groups, not to emphasize their social status and not to strengthen the consciousness of being "poor" or ''insecure'' in their fragile psychology.
The children must not get used to the thought that they are getting presents or participating in charity events because they are poor. It can be destructive for them and become a basis for a wrong motivation. This is the important point that we are going to keep during the future social activities.
The project was implemented together with The Child Develovment Foundation.
Various organizations and individuals from tourism industry and other spheres joined the project with great enthusiasm.
We would like to give our thanks to EliteBus, Etto Kids, Green Lunch, Cinema Star Armenia organizations and Ter-Ghazaryans' Micro Art museum for supporting this project as well to our colleague - guides, tour operators and all those who helped us financially with the implementation of this project.
Special thanks to the little ones of Meghradzor for their highly human and intellectual virtues.
The summary of the project you can watch in this video.